MYP4S UN Global Go...
This assessment was developed by the late Nuriye Singh, who passed away soon after starting to write assessments for the EdVaults as an author. This was her lone contribution to our database, and as such, we are making it available for everyone in her honor. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals were developed as a shared vision for peace and prosperity that the world's nations have unified around. While the goals are made for a global scale, these issues can be tackled locally. In this assessment, students will write a report where they choose one of the development goals, research and collect online data about it, develop the relevant graphical representations, and propose an idea or solution to be implemented locally to address a problem they have identified. No answer sheet is included for this assessment.
Grade 9SL (MYP4S)
Criterion D
Criterion C
graphical representations
sampling techniques
line of best fit
Globalization and sustainability
Full report
45-60 mins