
When you go to checkout for your assessments there is an option to "Generate an Invoice" where you can fill our your school's details (name, address, etc.) and have it automatically added to the invoice. The invoice itself includes a sharable payment link and bank wire transfer details so that you have both options to pay through. The sharable payment link can be sent to someone else (like a school finance officer) who can pay on your account's behalf. If payment is made through bank wire transfer, please allow for a couple of day for the transfer to be recieved and for us to manually add the subscription to your account.

This may be because the admin of the website or your organization hasn’t activated your account yet. It could also be that your organization has not paid for a subscription yet. Please remember it can take up to 24 hours after payment is received for premium services to be granted.

This is not a guarantee. However, if we believe the idea is a good one we will try to make the assessment under the assumption that it can be added to the task bank. We usually let you know within 24 hours what we will do.

This is only meant to show which of the contexts and concepts can fit with the assessment you are looking at. It is up to you as a teacher to ultimately decide which fits best with your unit plan.

Those are resources that were used in the assessment itself that can be edited by the teacher. For example, if an assessment has a diagram with measurements on them the diagram can be found in the Editorial Resources as something that can be changed to suit the teacher’s needs.

These are resources to support the teacher in preparing students for the assessment or to be used as part of the assessment.

Full Report Format: This format is more commonly found in Criterion CD assessments but can also appear in Criterion BC assessments. In a full report assessment, students must present their solution, workings, and explanations as a written report. The task requirements and directives are typically provided at the beginning in bullet points. This format suits Criterion D because the objectives describe the task in a specific situation, which can be open or closed-ended, allowing students to choose and apply their strategy independently. It also fits Criterion C because an open report format gives students ample space to organize their thoughts, use descriptive language, and make clear arguments. The main advantage of this assessment type is that it places students in a real-world situation they must solve independently. However, a drawback is that students can get stuck early, hindering assessment flow. This makes this format most effective for students with strong independent problem-solving skills.rnHybrid Format: This format is effective for both Criteria BC and CD assessments. The assessment task is divided into two or three parts. Initially, students are given a scenario and a series of scaffolding questions to help them understand the scenario, devise strategies, and apply them. This initial guidance prepares students for the final part of the assessment, where they must solve a scenario independently and write a report on their process and solution. This final part usually presents a similar scenario or builds on the previous parts. This format fits Criteria B and D because it offers practice and guidance, in selecting and applying a strategy in the lower mark bands before requiring students to do so independently in the higher mark bands. It also suits Criterion C as students can use mathematical language and form arguments in the guided sections, and then also demonstrate their ability to organize information and communicate reasoning in the report section. This makes this format most effective for students who show they can problem-solve independently, but may need some modeling before doing so.rnScaffolded Format: This format is effective for both Criteria BC and CD assessments, dividing the task into two or three parts with each part presenting a scenario followed by questions to help students understand, devise, and apply strategies. Each part becomes progressively more challenging with a similar but more complex scenario. Unlike the other formats, this assessment is fully guided with no report required. While it aligns with Criteria B and D, which has strands that expect students to apply strategies, it offers little flexibility for the strands that expects students to choose their own strategies. Additionally, this format makes it difficult to assess several strands of Criterion C. Students can still use mathematical language, but it is challenging for them to show their ability to organize their thought process and move through different lines of reasoning.This format is designed to be used with students who have difficulty with independent problem-solving and need more practice before confidently completing tasks that require a report-style response.

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